By: Joseph W. Norman
Media Credit: Meghan Nolan, Tricia Hackett
First, I find it necessary to explain the purpose of this photo montage. Sometimes, I feel it is important to get away from the words a little more and enjoy the scenery. While I traveled in Switzerland with many of my good friends over the last two weeks I had an opportunity to see some of the most beautiful sights middle Europe has to offer. Our group went paraglidin through the Swiss Alps in Northern Switzerland, ventured through medieval castles in Belinzona in the South and travelled through the fashion center of Milan, Italy all the way to the tremendous city of Venice. I would be remiss if I denied you the opportunity to experience this visual extravaganza with me.
As I previously mentioned in my article on global citizenship, the world is becoming our stomping grounds. We must expand our minds passed the human made borders and think about what is happening on the other side of the world as well as up the street. My hope is to pay tribute to my fellow travelers and provide a little piece of Switzerland for you to take away. ~JWN
(From left to right) Andrew Pollock, Tricia Hackett, Kristin Wayman, Eugene Peterson, Shane Zanetti, Meghan Nolan, Joseph Norman, Grandpa John Zanetti
The Duomo in Milan, Italy. This is a brilliant church with some of the most beautiful artwork I have ever seen inside of it. Truly a remarkable experience and on of pure Italian nature.
Wandering the streets of Lugano, Switzerland. This city is marked by spacious walkways and open plazas. The feel is one of relaxation. Far from the haste of many cities in the United States although financially, Lugano is right on par.